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A CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) machine is the most common therapy for sleep apnea patients. You must have a physician’s prescription in order to obtain a CPAP machine.

Safety First Sleep Solutions offers supplies, masks & tubing, and other items that DO NOT require an RX to maintain your CPAP machine at affordable prices.

Safety First Sleep Solutions offers home testing, where you can test in the comfort of your own home. You no longer need to test in a sleep lab, in an unfamiliar facility, with wires attached to you. The home testing unit we provide can be used anywhere you sleep, most anywhere in the country. Sleep study data is interpreted and screened by a Board Certified Pulmonologist. Our professional sleep therapy support team will then inform and educate you on the proper solutions for your Sleep Apnea testing procedures.

Safety First Sleep Solutions also offers online self-testing that you can utilize immediately to evaluate if you are likely to have conditions that may lead to sleep apnea.

Have a question or need information? Just call 877-728-9229!

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